Why Do We Go?

The following is the graduation address from a recent Radius Graduate.
I have the honor of speaking on behalf of the graduating class at Radius. I’d like to begin with John 1:14 which says, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
During this address, I want to share a conviction that I held before Radius, but it has been so driven into my heart during my time here.
Why do we as Christians go on missions? The answer is because we have seen the glory of God. Why do missionaries leave everything we have at home: our friends, family, churches, air conditioning, favorite foods, and the comforts of home? Why do we go to 90–100 degree weather, all types of diseases with centipedes, huge spiders, people who persecute you, and where your family is in danger? The answer: we have seen the glory of God and we know that God deserves the glory.
God made humans to be glory beholders and proclaimers. God created humans with the purpose to see and enjoy glory at the essence of who they are. We know this. If you are human, then naturally you are attracted to things that you find glorious, beautiful, amazing, praiseworthy, and awe-inspiring. Humans love to see and enjoy glorious things.
For example, when we students arrived in Tijuana, we had no idea our lives would be changed forever by a shrimp taco from a restaurant called Mazateño. (If you don’t like Mazateño, I’m sorry but your taste buds are undeveloped.) When I first heard about Mazateño, I wondered how good a shrimp taco would be? But then I took the first bite, and its buttery melted cheesy shrimp was like entering the third heavens. It was glorious! We all know what it’s like to eat an amazing meal or to see an amazing sunset, the Niagara Falls or the mountains and to respond in awe… this is amazing….this is glorious!
Whether it’s good food, beauty in nature, or an amazing musical, we are all created to see and enjoy what is glorious!
But sin exchanges the glory of God for created things. Sin takes the finger, points it to sex, money, and power, and says these things are worth living for, not God. Sin is pointing at myself and saying, “look how glorious I am, I will live to promote my status.” That is not a Christian. A Christian is the one who can say, “I have found the one worthy of my praise.” Their focus is not themselves, or money, not career, or spouse, it’s not kids, it’s God.
We have seen the glory of God in the finished work of Christ on the cross that covers all our sin. And the cry of our hearts joins the hosts of heaven around the throne room with all the creatures saying, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” (Revelations 5:12) We go on mission because we have seen the glory of Christ and we know that He alone deserves the praise of all nations.
The greatest thing about being at Radius was being surrounded by so many staff and students who have laid down their lives because they believe that truth. I can’t thank you all enough for cementing that belief into my heart through the example of your lives.
I want to end by addressing my fellow graduates. After today many of us won’t see each other again because we’ll be all over the world. But how awesome will it be when we meet in heaven, after all the trials that will come as the Lord leads us in this task. We will be in the presence of our Savior and be able to say it was worth it. Every scar, every pain, every trial, every loss was worth it… because Christ is worth it. What an amazing day that will be! I am thankful for the sweet friendships that God allowed us to have here at Radius, they will continue for eternity. To those hearing this and my fellow grads, wherever the Lord leads us at the end of the day, may our lives reflect that we believe Christ alone is worthy!
An earlier version of this article was published by Radius International, and is republished here with permission.