
Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and Radius International Partnership

Radius Partnership

Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (GPTS) and Radius International (RI) are pleased to announce a new partnership to train men to preach the gospel and plant churches among unreached people groups. To do this, GPTS will accept Radius coursework toward the completion of a GPTS MDiv. This will enable students to marry the best of a traditional MDiv degree with the best practical on-the-ground training that will be needed to reach the hardest places in the world.  

This new partnership reflects GPTS’s ongoing commitment to producing gospel ministers for Christ’s kingdom among the nations. Dr. Jonathan L. Master and Dr. L. Michael Morales have already been teaching with the Radius Theological Institute as visiting professors, and this new partnership will only strengthen our relationship.


“Greenville Seminary’s founding documents state our goal to to be ‘a nursery for missionaries.’ We thank God for enabling us to partner with Radius to expand this, and we pray that many students will be raised up for church planting among the unreached. Only the Lord knows how this will renew a passion for front-line missions in our own seminary community, but I expect the effect to be significant. May God bless this new endeavor and use it to bring well-trained, well-prepared ambassadors of Christ to the nations.”
—Jonathan L. Master (President, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary)
“The hope I have for the Radius/GPTS partnership is rooted in the history of missions. Men like Henry Martyn, John Paton and William Chalmers Burns show the rich legacy of well-trained Christians laying down their lives in foreign lands for the glory of the Triune God. My prayer is that through this partnership that same spirit would be recaptured and those who still live in darkness would come to know the One True God.”
—Brooks Buser (President, Radius International)
“Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary exists to biblically and theologically equip pastors for Christ’s kingdom among the nations. Radius International exists to train young gospel ministers in the skills necessary to carry the gospel and plant churches among the unreached language groups of the world. What better marriage could there be to spur on the retrieval of the rich history of confessionally Presbyterian missionary activity among the nations? I look forward to the mutually beneficial relationship between our two institutions as we strive together to name Christ where His Name has never been heard.”
—Chad Vegas (Chairman of the Board, Radius International)

This article was originally published on the Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary website.