Single Women and Missions
Let’s talk about single women.
I'm just going to put my cards on the table–– I'm a 62-year-old grandmother and I lived as a single woman before I got married and when I got married I gave up a lot of the privileges of being single, and guess what? That was hard. I've been married for 23 years, and it's been the best 23 years of my life and there really has not been one thing in it that I have that has made me wish that I could go back.
I'm in a funny season of life because I think it's very politically correct right now in the church to say “Singleness is great and we're so glad you're here and especially single women. We want to exploit you until you are a pulp. Because you know that's what you're made for. You're just here to serve and you’ve got all this time and you don't have any hopes and dreams, and I'm here to exploit you.” I am here to tell you that I am here to defend you against all the people who say that because you are single by providence, but the creation ordinance tells me that you are not single by calling.
You're a woman, and as a woman made in the image of God you are made to be a life giver and a life preserver. Now that doesn't mean that every woman is going to be married and bear children but it does mean that most of us will. And if you're like most of the single women I talk to, deep in your heart it's what you really do desire. Yet you find that your life on the mission field is highly productive, highly valuable, and that is wonderful, and for as long in God's providence you are content and you are doing God's work and you are not being exploited by what I am seeing in the evangelical church then praise be to God. Stay there. But if you desire a husband that is a very good thing. The creation ordinance is the first ordinance in the Bible. It is not a throwaway.
We are not "New Testament Christians." The law and the gospel go together. You are not to fear praying for a husband. That would not be a bad thing. That would not ruin your missions moment, because you are single by providence, not by calling.The Lord loves you and knows you, thanks you for your service, but is not planning on working you like a dog and leaving you unfulfilled.
Now, can you be a single fulfilled missionary woman your whole lifelong? Of course you can, and that very well may be you, but if it's not don't despair.