
What Initially Led You to Pursue the Life of a Missionary?

What initially led you to pursue the life of a missionary?

Initially what kind of opened up missions for my wife and I was reading through our Bibles.  Passages like Matthew 28:16-20, Romans 15:18-23, Romans 10:13- 15, Revelation 5:9, Revelation 7:9, and then the confirmation of our church pastors. We were really thankful for good church leaders that were clear about what the Great Commission is and they saw that in our lives that we could be effective in that.

And so that led us into missions initially. We ended up getting two years of training and then we started looking at "where are the languages that are left in this world that still have no gospel, no disciples, no church among them?" and that led us to Papua New Guinea, the country with the most languages and cultures on the face of the Earth.

And so we ended up in Papua New Guinea in 2003.