
What Is Church Planting?

Define church planting.

So when we proclaim the gospel to someone who hasn't heard, and they believe in Christ, they're now not only saved forgiven their sins but they're also part of the body of Christ. They're really a member of Christ's church invisibly, internally in their heart. And they're meant to be, they're expected to be, they're commanded to be a part of Christ's visible church. And so when we plant a church, we're taking people who've heard the gospel for the first time, who've believed in Jesus Christ, and we're gathering them together in a group where they devote themselves to the doctrine taught in scripture; where they  devote themselves to the prayers like actually gathered prayers; where they devote themselves to the sacraments, baptism, the Lord's Supper; where they care for one another and they they help one another and they're under leaders, namely the officers of Elders and deacons; where they're speaking the truth in love to one another, so that we all might grow up into maturity in Christ. When you plant a church, all you're doing is affecting that by proclaiming the gospel, gathering those people, and then growing them to maturity.