What Is the Goal of Missionary?
What was the goal in creating the Missionary docu-series?
Chad: The goal in putting Missionary together was to educate the church in biblical missions. To begin to take a bite out of that, and to also educate them on our own history, the people who have gone before us. To be encouraged that we should raise up people from our own churches and send them to the ends of the earth. Our hope was to provide a resource for the church, to encourage churches, to pray to the Lord of the harvest to raise up more workers for the harvest field and to really begin to set apart their own people and their own resources to go and name Christ where He's never been named.
Brooks: I think a secondary goal that we've thought through is that there will be a certain fiber, a certain steel that's communicated in biography whether that's in written form or whether that's in a visual medium. To see these stories I think energizes churches. It should energize churches. It should have a compelling effect for the saints that will send, and possibly for the saints that will go. The hope is that as we study these previous missionaries and what they have done this will enliven, embolden, and engender some sort of a "This is doable... We've seen saints from other generations accomplish, by God's grace, incredible things. Maybe from our church we will see an Amy Carmichael, a John Paton raised up to go to the ends of the earth."
Chad: We really want to inspire churches to do this and inculcate in them deep seated convictions that these are the biblical principles that we're to live by and to take to the ends of the earth.
Brooks: Amen.