An Ode to the “Rope Holders”

“So, what are you young people doing?”
My future wife, Wendy, and I were standing in the lunch lineup at the annual missions conference at Briercrest Bible Institute. We were greatly encouraged that a pleasant elderly couple took the time and interest to befriend a couple of young people totally unknown to them. Like us, Archie and Grace McCaskell had driven many hours to attend the conference. We explained that we hoped to get married, and then work towards serving the Lord on the mission field. We learned that they lived on a farm near Redvers, Saskatchewan. They told us to be sure to come and visit them. And so began a decades-long friendship, paused only when the Lord Jesus in His wisdom and time called His faithful servants home to be with Himself forever.
What especially impressed us about Archie and Grace was their unselfish love and interest in others. We could see Jesus in them! In Philippians 2:20, Paul wrote about his beloved Timothy, “For I have no one like him, who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare.” Archie and Grace sincerely loved and cared for others. They never possessed great earthly riches, but they freely shared with others of the treasures they did have. For Wendy and me, that was a source of encouragement and strength. They became part of our team of prayer warriors and rope holders.
Who or what is a rope holder? The concept is taken from Acts 9:23–25 as Paul was delivered from those seeking his life in Damascus. These friends delivered him by lowering him through the wall in a large basket (presumably using ropes).
Before William Carey, the father of modern missions, left for India, he told his friends, “Saving souls can be likened to a man drowning in a deep well and a volunteer can do nothing unless there are people who will hold the rope for him to be lowered till he reaches the drowning man, and then pull them up to safety.” Carey added, “I will go to India as a volunteer to seek sinners drowning in the well of sin. But I can’t do it alone. I need rope-holders. Will you be my rope-holders?”

The Character of the Rope Holder
What helped shape Archie and Grace so that they became such beautiful rope holders? A few glimpses from their lives will help us understand their success. In fact, these glimpses reveal that it was not in their own strength they lived and served, but through their Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. As they steadfastly submitted to the often difficult circumstances the Lord allowed, Archie and Grace increasingly became conformed to His image.
Our first glimpse is from World War 2. Archie and Grace had married, but the distance of war separated them as Archie served overseas. While he was in Europe, their son Keith was born. When Archie finally returned, Grace and young Keith met Archie at the railway station. When Keith saw his dad for the first time, he enthusiastically ran towards him and shouted out, “Daddy, daddy!” How could he do that, when he had never even seen his dad? Only because his loving mom had through faithful prayers instilled in their young boy a love for the dad he now was about to meet for the first time. No doubt, she had also shown him a picture or two many, many times. Grace and Keith had faithfully prayed for their loved one. That quality of keeping the memory alive is rope holding at its finest! As Wendy and I served overseas and in Canada we were privileged to benefit from the same quality of commitment and obedience to the Lord.
The McCaskells lived in a small and simple farmhouse, a little more than 6 miles west of Redvers. A powerful glimpse revealing the hardships they at times endured is when, during a particularly harsh winter, their dear Redvers friends, Carl and Mary, decided to drive out to the isolated farm for a visit. They did so in late February or early March. When they arrived, Archie and Grace told them, “You are the first people we have seen since Christmas!” We conclude that the character of Archie and Grace was not developed in a vacuum, but as the Lord tenderly guided them through both joys and hardships…
The farm thrived, and so did the McCaskells’ involvement in church. Well into retirement years, they served faithfully in the local church and through home groups. They took Bible correspondence courses, as they wanted to continue to grow in the knowledge of Jesus and His Word. And, they continued to help Keith and the family on the farm. On one precious visit Wendy and I were even privileged to help out with the potato harvest!
In the years leading up to Wendy and I departing for the mission field (and while we were home on furlough), Archie and Grace continued to encourage us. They helped arrange so that we could speak in local churches and at home meetings. They supported us financially and through their faithful prayers. Even though my family to this day can’t see or know the full impact of those prayers, I am sure it was considerable. Archie and Grace helped hold the ropes, for which we are eternally grateful. We were the beneficiaries of that faithfulness which by the Lord so carefully had been honed during the preceding often challenging decades.

Holding Fast
Following our service on the mission field and some further studies, our family served in a church not far from Redvers. Of course it was through Archie and Grace we had come in contact with the church in Maryfield. Again we benefited from their faithfulness. And because we lived nearby we could be there when the Heavenly Father in His wisdom decided that it was time to call His servants home to heaven.
We were honored to visit Archie in Redvers Hospital, shortly before his home-going. Even though he was quite weak, he was clearly encouraged when I said to him, “At this point, you may be physically frail, but that light of the Lord in your eyes still shines brightly!” How encouraging to see a godly man finish well! Some years later Grace joined her husband in the heavenly mansions.
At Archie’s funeral service I read a Bible passage reflecting his deep love for the Word of God. The passage, Psalm 119:30–35, describes well his life of dedication and obedience, and why he and his precious Grace were able to serve as such steadfast prayer warriors and rope holders.
I have chosen the way of faithfulness;
I set your rules before me.
I cling to your testimonies, O Lord;
let me not be put to shame!
I will run in the way of your commandments
when you enlarge my heart!
Teach me, O Lord, the way of your statutes;
and I will keep it to the end.
Give me understanding, that I may keep your law
and observe it with my whole heart.
Lead me in the path of your commandments,
for I delight in it.

A Rope Holder’s Legacy
This article is not written just to remember and honor Archie and Grace, but also to see what lessons we can learn from them. We must beware lest our fast paced and secular world rob us of the true riches and service such as Archie and Grace clearly had found.
The Lord lovingly shaped and guided this fine couple. Jesus lived in and through them. Archie and Grace remained faithful through both joy and at times deep personal sorrow. They continued to look beyond their own sphere, to see how they could be used by the Lord to be a blessing to others.
The challenge for us then must be to seek to emulate them. Let us also take a genuine interest in others. Let us live for more than what benefits just us. Let us live to be a blessing in the lives of both friends and strangers. Under the Lord, let us make and take opportunities to minister. We certainly should do this for the sake of others, but ultimately so that Jesus Christ may be honored and glorified.
For both those hoping to serve the Lord on the mission field and for the rope holders, may we not neglect the basic disciplines of the Christian life but be faithful in prayer, Bible study, hospitality, and giving.
“Only one life, ’twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”